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Jual PROCEQ Profoscope+ Rebar Locator and Cover Meter#081289854242

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Deskripsi ] Jual PROCEQ Profoscope+ Rebar Locator and Cover Meter#081289854242

The Profoscope is a versatile, fully-integrated rebar detector and cover meter with a unique real-time rebar visualization allowing the user to actually “ SEE” the location of the rebar beneath the concrete surface to a maximum depth of 180 mm. This is coupled with rebar-proximity indicators and optical and acoustical locating aids.

Rebar diameter can also be estimated within the specified testing range. The Profoscope combines these unique features in a compact, light device that allows the user to operate this rebar detector with one hand making the task of locating rebars a simple and efficient process. In addition, Proceq’ s rebar detector convinces through its intuitive user interface making rebar detection easy.

Key Features
A rebar detector with real-time visualization of the rebars beneath the instrument
Visual indication of rebars in close proximity
The Profoscope is a rebar detector with the ability to identify the mid-point between rebars as well as the orientation of rebars
Optical and acoustical indication of rebar location and minimum cover alert
This rebar detector offers neighboring bar correction
Regional settings ( metric, imperial)
Cordless and single handed operation

Power supply 2 x 1.5 V AA ( LR6) batteries
Voltage range 3.6 V to 1.8 V
Battery lifetime
Backlight off > 50 hr
Backlight on > 15 hr
Time outs
Sleep mode 30 s
Auto shut down 120 s
Environmental conditions
Temperature range -10° C to 60° C ( 14° to 140° F)
Humidity range 0 to 100 % rH
Protection range IP54
Standards and regulations applied BS 1881 part 204; DIN 1045; SN 505 262; DGZfP B2

Profoscope+ unit consisting of: Profoscope+ incl. start-up test kit and accessories (batteries, memory card, USB-cable, canvas bag, carrying strap, chalk, documentation, ProfoLink software).

Nusatama Store
Jl.H.Sapri No.32 Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan 15224
Dekat futsal kurnia 2
Telepon : (021)2756-4609
Hp : 081289854242/08176755161
Website : www.nusatamasurvey.com
Melayani Pengiriman Seluruh Indonesia
Via JNE,JNT,POS Indonesia,Mex Barlian Dirgantara

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r Iklan Terkait Jual PROCEQ Profoscope+ Rebar Locator and Cover Meter#081289854242

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