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Jual PROCEQ CO 550 Type N Hammer test Hub 081288802734

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Deskripsi ] Jual PROCEQ CO 550 Type N Hammer test Hub 081288802734

Proceq Original Schmidt Concrete Rebound Test Hammer
Detailed Product Description
1. Measuring Range: 10 – 70 N/mm2 (1,450 to 10,152 psi)
2. Impact Energy: 2.207 Nm
3. Paper Strip: No
4. Brand Name: Proceq

The quality of concrete is mainly judged by its compressive strength directly affecting the load-bearing capacity and durability of concrete structures. Proceq invented the Original Schmidt, the world’s first and now most widely used test hammer for analyzing the compressive strength of concrete Original Schmidt will hit the concrete at a defined energy whereas its rebound is dependent on the hardness of the concrete and is measured by the instrument. The Original Schmidt is available in models with different impact energies, each test hammer designed for a specific test application, in order to meet the needs of the customers to investigate a wide range of material types and sizes, such as bridge decks, thin walls, cast stone components or small components.
Jl. Panjang TC Penerangan No.17 Depan Gdg Kominfo
Kebon Jeruk – Jakarta Barat 11550

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