P Iklan ini diterbitkan pada: 18 April 2022 , Kategori: Alat Industri
Vertical Cylinder Capping Set
Dimension (l x w x h) : 100 x 60 x 60 cm
Gross Weight : 35 kg
ASTM C-617
Equipment for forming caps on ends of 15 cm diameter concrete cylinder to provide uniform loading surface for compression test.
– Vertical Cylinder Capper Cast alumunium frame, rotating ground table, for 150 mm dia. concrete cylinder 1 Pc
– Capping Compound Warmer Approx. 3 ltr cap, heating temperature up to 200OC, 220 V-AC 1 Pc
– Capping Ladle Stainless steel ladle, Wooden handle 1 Pc
– Cylinder Carrier Double handle, snap clamp, for 150 mm dia., concrete cylinder 1 Pc
– Capping Compound Powder, approx. 115OC
Pouring temperature 25 kg
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