P Iklan ini diterbitkan pada: 6 April 2022 , Kategori: Alat Industri
Deskripsi Flowatch Fl-03 JDC Unit Display
Display Unit Flowatch Fl-03 JDC Kit Specifications:
Weight (Display Unit) : 8.3 oz (230 g)
Dimensions (Display Unit): 2.5″ 2.5″ 5.1″ ( cm)
Flow Speed Units : km/h, mph, knots, m/s and cm/s
Flow Speed Accuracy: +/- 5 % from – 10 to + 50C
Flow Speed Range: 2 to 150km/h
Temp Units C, F and windchill
Temp Accuracy +/- 1
Temp Functions Current, minimum, average, maximum temperature
and windchill factor.
Hubungi :
alat survey alat teknik sipil.
Jl. Panjang TC Penerangan No.17 Depan Gdg Kominfo
Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk – Jakarta Barat 11550
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