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Jual Torvane Shear Testing Device DGSI USA Hub 081288802734

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Deskripsi ] Jual Torvane Shear Testing Device DGSI USA Hub 081288802734

Testing Device Determines Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils
The measurement of shear strength, necessary for building foundations and embankments, tells you how much of a load the soil can support before it will give from the sides. This Shear Testing Device is ideally suited for field use and makes an invaluable addition to an inspectors or engineers kit.
Easy to use. Requires virtually no preparation of soilall you need is at least a 2″-dia. sample area. Just turn the dial until the soil gives. Then read the shear strength on the dial. The dial reads in kg/sq. cm (tons/sq. ft.) with 0.05 subdivisions. Stress range is 0 to 2.5 kg/sq. cm (tons/sq. ft.).
Includes three interchangeable vanes for testing various planes of soil samples: 1″-dia. standard vane for range of 0 to 1.0kg/sq. cm; 1 7/8″-dia. sensitive vane for range 0 to 0.2kg/sq. cm; and 3/4″-dia. high-capacity vane for range of 0 to 2.5kg/sq. cm. The vane driver is 1.6″ dia. x 3 1/2″L (with vane attached). Supplied with a 2″H x 6″W x 4″D plastic case.
Hubungi :
Alat Survey, Teknik Sipil, GPS, Service, Kalibrasi. Lab Equipment
Alamat : Jln.Panjang TC Penerangan No.17 ( Pusdiklat MENKOMINFO ) – Kelapa Dua
Kebon Jeruk – Jakarta Barat 11550

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r Iklan Terkait Jual Torvane Shear Testing Device DGSI USA Hub 081288802734


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