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Jual Proceq Original Schmidt Live Type N – Concrete Hammer Test#081289854242

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Deskripsi ] Jual Proceq Original Schmidt Live Type N – Concrete Hammer Test#081289854242

Deskripsi Proceq Original Schmidt Live Type N – Concrete Hammer Test
Proceq Original Schmidt Live Type N

* Type N: Standard impact energy. Minimum thickness of test object: 100 mm (3.9) and should be firmly fixed in the structure
* Type L: Low impact energy. Suitable for brittle objects or structures less than 100 mm (3.9) thick

The Original Schmidt Live is a uniquely versatile hammer that can be used as stand-alone analog hammer, a stand-alone digital hammer, together with a Bluetooth printer and finally as the world”’s most advanced R-value concrete test hammer with the Schmidt Live app

* Automatically detects and corrects for impact angle
* Displays the series on-screen as you work
* Series validity checked automatically
* Review an entire series
* Delete impacts
* Test regions
* Select units, form factor and correlation curves
* Create your own custom curves
* Create custom curves databases for your own mixes

WITH Apple iOS app, you can:
* Allows you to test in accordance with major standards
* Visual reports are generated using lists, bar charts, and statistics
* Records data from the app to a web reporting tool
* Report export options of PDF or CSV
* Records GPS locations, enables adding notes, images and audio comments using the Logbook feature for full measurement activity traceability. Logbook feature for full measurement activity summaries
* Hammer verification management to help keep hammers calibrated as required by standards
* Impact results can be heard live in audio on Apple iOS devices via text-to-speech


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