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Jual Proceq Hammer Test Silver Schmidt Live Os8200#081289854242

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Deskripsi ] Jual Proceq Hammer Test Silver Schmidt Live Os8200#081289854242

The Silver Schmidt Live is the latest version of Proceq’s Q Value Rebound Hammer.

Schmidt hammers are most commonly used for evaluating the strength and uniformity of concrete.

Part of the Live instrument family from Proceq, the new iOS and Android application records measurements and supports instant reporting and information sharing between users.

Traditional Hammers Vs Silver Schmidt
Classical rebound hammers are often used to evaluate the strength of in-situ concrete, but such hammers suffer from the following insufficiencies:

1. The rebound value is dependent on the impact direction.
2. The rebound value is affected by internal friction.
3. Limited tightness of sealing causes premature loss of accuracy.

The unique design and high quality construction of the Silver Schmidt address all of these issues and makes Schmidt hammer testing quicker and more accurate than ever before.

Conversion curves are provided for a wide range of concrete compressive strength, including low and high strength concrete fc <10 MPa (5MPa using Mushroom Head) and up to 100MPa.

The iOS and Android application supports visual report generation with lists, bar charts and statistical information. Single or multiple series can be exported to .csv or as a .pdf report.

The Logbook function allows the operator to make notes, take photos and records his GPS geolocation with each measurement series.

SS Live VerificationDependable Measuring Results
High accuracy due to differential optical absolute velocity encoder
Measurement inherently independent of impact direction, meaning no corrections necessary
Built-in correction for carbonation and form factor gives increased test accuracy and dependability of test results
Registration of true rebound coefficient yields extended resolution across a wider range
Automatic Verification management with the optional portable verification anvil
Controlled and Extended Functionality
Automatic control of functionality by monitoring impact energy
Low power consumption, standard, flight safe AA NIMH battery
The Mushroom Head attachment has a larger surface area and is used for early age strength or softer materials
Suitable for testing a wide variety of concrete, mortar, rock, paper and plastics
Ideally suited for on-site testing for the strength of concrete
Handy for difficult to access or confined test areas (i.e. working overhead)
Especially convenient for testing on tunnel linings as measurements are independent of impact direction
Report Creation and Export within Live Application on Android and iOS
Automatic conversion to the required measurement unit (MPa, kg/cm2, psi),
Various statistics to comply with standards or user specified procedures
Custom presets of test parameters for various testing scenarios can be stored and later recalled
Quick review of previous measurements
SS Live MushroomLow Strength Concrete
Type L hammers strike with a lower impact energy and are suitable for testing of thin concrete sections and where the hammer is to be used primarily for low strength concretes down to 10mpa.

If concrete is softer than this the Mushroom Head accessory spreads the impact over a wider area and is suitable for testing concrete strengths as low as 5mpa.

Rock Testing
RockSchmidtThe Rock Schmidt is a dedicated version of the Silver Schmidt for rock testing applications, including correlations to unconfined compressive strength (UCS), youngs modulus and weathering grade.

The dedicated Rock Schmidt web page has more details

Measuring the True Rebound Coefficient (“Q”-Value)
The classic “R”-value is the mechanical travel of the mallet on rebound. It is affected by its friction on the guide rod, the friction of the gauge, gravity, the relative velocity between unit and mechanical parts. This is true for all concrete test hammers currently on the market.

The Silver Schmidt acquires the “Q”-value by measuring the velocity (V) of impact and of rebound immediately before and after the impact. The “Q”-value need not be corrected for impact direction. There is a clear relationship between the “Q” and the “R”-value.

The “Q”-value [=rebound V divided by inbound V] represents the physical rebound coefficient. It is virtually free of all the above error sources. It is thus the indicator of choice to be used as a basis to convert to compressive strength.

SB for charging and updates
Operating Temperature 0° to 50°C

Nusatama Store
Jl.H.Sapri No.32 Pondok Aren Tangerang Selatan 15224
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Telepon : (021)2756-4609
Hp : 081289854242/08176755161
Website : www.nusatamasurvey.com
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