P Iklan ini diterbitkan pada: 18 April 2022 , Kategori: Alat Industri
Designed for use in the outdoors, these flagging tapes are 25mm wide, and 100m in length.
Temperature Resistance -20F.
Range : 100 Meter x 25 MM
Wide : 25mm ( Lebar )
length : 100m ( Panjang )
Colour : Blue, Green, Red, White, Yellow &
Utk warna Glo ( Glo Green, Glo Pink dan Glo Orange ) ada perbedaan harga.
Superior weathering qualities
Australia imported as used throughout.
Kami disini sebagai supplier alat survey tanah atau bangunan, alat survey telekomunikasi, alat survey geologi atau mining, dan alat survey lainnya diantaranya Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, GPS, Kompas, Binoculars, Monocullars, Laser Rangefinder, Teropong Malam, Clinometer, Tandem, Digital Planimeter, Distometer, Speed Gun, Measuring Wheel, Measuring Tape, Grounding Tester, HT Handy Talky, Sound Level Meter, dan alat alat Geologi.
Ditunjang dengan merk merk yang sudah terkenal dan telah diakui keberadaanya didunia survey diantaranya Topcon, Nikon, Sokkia, Garmin, Trimble, Suunto, Horizon, Bushnell, Brunton , Leica, Bosch, South, Yamayo, Tajima, Icom, Kyoritsu, dll.
Rebar Locator Profometer PM-650 AI category: Non destructive testing / Rebar Locator brand: Proceq item: Profometer PM-650 AI The Profometer PM-650 extends the measuring modes... Selengkapnya)
Presenting the next generation of personal lightning detection. Built on the trusted StrikeAlert technology, StrikeAlert HD is the first personal lightning detector with a graphical... Selengkapnya)
JAMINAN BARANG 100% BARU DAN ORIGINAL REGION INDONESIA! Penerus Z1C yang sudah dihentikan, Z2C memiliki kapasitas batrai yg lebih besar! Garansi 1 tahun dan berbahasa... Selengkapnya)