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Jual CarbonBrush Assembly Staplex 2pcs Hub 081288802734

P Iklan ini diterbitkan pada: 18 April 2022 , Kategori:

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Deskripsi ] Jual CarbonBrush Assembly Staplex 2pcs Hub 081288802734

Carbon Brush Reorder Staplex No.T6790-3NA
Harga tersebut 1.pasang. (2pcs).
For :
TFIA Series High Volume Air Samplers
Staplex® Model TFIA series High Volume Air Samplers
Indoor or outdoor sampling of airborne particulates
0-70 cubic feet per minute (cfm) [0-2 cubic meters per minute (cmm)] flow range
Spot or continuous monitoring
Portable and lightweight
Built-in rotometer for instantaneous flow reading
Includes 4″ (10.16 cm) diameter filter holder assembly
For use in normal, non-explosive atmospheres
Complete accessories available for use with Total Suspended Particulate (TSP), PM10 and PM2.5 Systems for U.S. EPA compliance
Made in U.S.A.
Standard Models:
Note for 110-125 volt and 220-230 volt models:
– F feature includes built in flow adjuster
– CDT Time feature allows to turn “OFF” or “ON” after a preset time or for use as an Elapsed Time Indicator)
TFIA 110-125 Volts AC/DC, 50-60 Hz Basic model best seller!
TFIA-F Includes built-in Flow Adjuster – 110-125 Volts AC/DC, 50-60 Hz
TFIA-CDT Includes built-in Count Down Timer – 110-125 Volts AC/DC, 50-60 Hz (Note: CDT feature allows to turn “OFF” or “ON” after a preset time or for use as an Elapsed Time Indicator)
TFIA-FCDT Includes built-in Flow Adjuster and Count Down Timer – 110-125 Volts AC/DC, 50-60 Hz
TFIA-2 220-240 Volts AC/DC, 50-60 Hz Basic model best seller!
TFIA-2F Includes built-in Flow Adjuster – 220-240 Volts AC/DC, 50-60 Hz
TFIA-2CDT Includes built-in Count Down Timer – 220-240 Volts AC/DC, 50-60 Hz
TFIA-2FCDT Includes built-in Flow Adjuster and Count Down Timer – 220-240 Volts AC/DC, 50-60 Hz
TFIA-4 24 Volts DC (35 cfm [1 cmm] maximum flowrate) 16 Amps
TFIA-4BC 24 Volts DC with battery cable with clamps, 16 Amps

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